My sewing schedule was a bit of a mess. (Not that I have a actual sewing schedule.) I really had no idea what project to work on next. Then, as luck would have it, one of my underskirts got a huge tear in it, and it seemed that my work was laid out for me – make a new petticoat.
Just a note: I was pretty terrible at photographing this process, so I shall have to struggle through this post, explaining what I did, without many photos of the process.
Making the Underskirt

For fabric, I pulled out an old project of mine that I had made using an old queen-size flat sheet. For the previous project, I had cut the sheet in half which worked perfectly for this project since I only needed 1/2 of the sheet for my underskirt. It was wide enough that I only needed to sew one seam down the side, and I left it open a few inches at the top so that I could get into it.

Pleating and Waistband
For the skirt, I folded over the top edge about 1 1/2 inches and sewed it down. Since I’m hoping to sew some 1860’s style skirts soon (though I don’t want to get my hopes up), I decided to try out some cartridge pleating on this project. One cartridge-pleating trick I’ve heard of is to sew a plaid ribbon to the back so that you don’t need to measure all the way around the skirt. So I sewed some gingham ribbon along the top of the skirt.

After getting the ribbon attached, I proceeded to the cartridge pleating. At first I thought this would be a fairly easy task, but after messing up the stitches and having to redo them 10 time or more, I had to call it quits for a while. Cartridge pleating is much harder than I thought it would be. 😛 What made it even harder was the fact that I decided to do three threads instead of two since the ribbon was so wide

Eventually, I was able to finish the cartridge pleating and proceed to making the waistband. I ended up making the waistband four layers thick to make it stronger and sturdier. After attaching it to the skirt, I added a clasp on the waistband and a hook and eye just under it on the skirt.

Sizing and Adjusting
Trying the skirt on, then, to check it for sizing, I was quick to realize that the waist was on the very snug side (but at least it fit), the opening was way too short, and the whole underskirt was way too long. To fix the length, I sewed six different 1-inch tucks into the skirt, taking up a total of 12 inches! (And it need that.) For the opening/closure, I ripped the seam open several more inches which was just what it needed. Trying the underskirt on once more, I realized that the waistband actually fit better than I originally thought. (The first time I had tried it on over another skirt, so… not the best fitting.)

Lace and Trimmings!
With the basic construction of the underskirt finished, it was time for the trimmings – lots of lace! First, I had to iron all the lace because it had been rather crushed during storage. Then I set to sewing it onto each of the tucks. For the hem, I used a different lace which I gathered slightly before sewing it onto the skirt. Then almost as an afterthought, I added another clasp on the waistband and another hook and eye below it.

And with that the underskirt was finished! I definitely learned a lot while making it. From cartridge pleating to sewing tucks, I gained a lot more sewing experience. And having now done a few projects, I’m beginning to feel less nervous about tackling those bigger projects. A petticoat may be just a petticoat, but for me, it is also a steppingstone to bigger dreams.
Have you ever made anything from a bedsheet?
Do you have a dream sewing project?
If so, what is it?

P.S. You can also follow me at my other blog, Kenmore Pines 1, here.
To learn more about this blog check out my blog launch post here.
P.P.S. If you would like any advice or encouragement about your dream project, feel free to contact me here. I would love to be of help! (And if I don’t answer after a bit, just drop a comment and I’ll get in contact with you.)
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