I enjoy writing stories; I enjoy writing poetry. But more than either, I love writing a good story in rhyme – especially if it’s a mystery! I wrote this piece a while back while reading a lot of comedy/crime stories. There may be more to the story – who knows? But here you are for today – story written in rhyme – a mystery poem.
*cue evil laugh*
Okay, enough of that! On with the mystery poem!
The Story of the Purloined Pendant
by Natalie Claire
Lady Adela Woothecot,
Possessed a diamond pendant,
A jewel of rarest quality,
Breathtakingly resplendent.
Every year in early spring,
She held a massive ball,
Inviting everyone she knew,
To come to Woothecot Hall.
Friends dropping in from far and near,
Most glad to stay a spell.
But unknown to the hostess,
Some friends were thieves as well.
A dozen eager plots were planned,
By a dozen eager guests,
The kind of villainous plotting,
All hostesses detest.
So on the night of action,
T’was April twenty-third,
Twelve dodgy guests slipped out of bed,
And down the stairs unheard.
The pendant was found missing,
By the morrow’s afternoon.
When Lady Adela was told,
She fell down in a swoon.
The local force was summoned,
To investigate the case.
A dozen anxious coppers,
Searched through the Woothecot place.
They could not find the pendant,
Nor the criminal, nor a clue.
Without a piece of evidence,
What can the law force do?
It’s unknown to this very day,
Just where the pendant went.
And if the purloiner was,
A lady or a gent.
* * *
Oh! The mystery surrounding this! Hmm… so are there any amateur detectives out there wanting to sleuth out this crime? I could give you all the details in a story if you wish. Just let me know and I’ll be happy to write up a mystery for you!
Do you like poem stories?
What about mysteries?
Do you enjoy comedy?

P.S. You can also follow me at my other blog, Kenmore Pines 1, here.
To learn more about this blog check out my blog launch post here.