Sometimes we collect books faster than we can read them. I know I do. Below, I have listed 7 of my WWII anticipated reads – books from my library (or the family library) that I’ve been wanting to read but have not got around to yet. As of now, I’m hoping to carve out some extra reading time each day and get these books read.

1. Beyond Band of Brothers by Major Dick Winters
I picked this book up not too long ago and have been looking forward to reading it ever since. It differs somewhat from most of the WWII books that I read, as I usually focus on WWII aviation books, but when I found this book at the thrift store, I knew I was bringing it home with me. I’ve skimmed through it a bit and read the forward, but now it’s time to give this book a read!

2. Intrepid Aviators by Gregory G. Fletcher
I started reading this book several years ago, but as it was misplaced by a sibling, I never had the chance to finish it. Now that I have found it, however, I am anxious to finally read this book all the way through as the story was very captivating. (And let’s just say, I stopped at a bit of a cliffhanger.)

3. My War by Andy Rooney
Again, this is another book I had started reading. But it was misplaced at some point, and I never finished it. It was an intriguing read, though, with a unique perspective of the war. There were a lot of humorous stories as well as some sobering accounts to balance it out, so I am definitely looking forward to finishing this book and rereading some of those stories.

4. Day of Infamy by Walter Lord
For as long as I’ve had this book on the shelf, I am ashamed that I’ve never read it all the way. Several of my siblings have read and recommended it to me, so I feel that this book should be up at the top of my WWII TBR list.

5. They Were There: The Story of World War II and How It Came About by Curt Riess
I started reading this one many years ago, and while it was intriguing, it was also above my reading level at the time. But now, I feel that it’s past time for me to pick this book up again and give it a complete read.

6. Flying Fortress by Edward Jablonski
I’ve never thoroughly read through this book, but I have spent hours reading selected sections and looking at the photographs. This book has even been a vacation companion to me! Needless to say, it about time I read this book through cover to cover.

7. Target: Germany
Written and published during WWII, this book covers “the VIII Bomber Command’s first year over Europe.” It appears to lean a bit toward the Allied propaganda side of things. But the selections I read of it looked very good, so I am most interested in reading this one through.
What books are you looking forward to reading soon?
Do you have any WWII anticipated reads?
Have you read any of the books I mentioned above?
What genre do you read from the most?

P.S. You can also follow me at my other blog, Kenmore Pines 1, here.
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