Behind Enemy Lines:
True Stories of Amazing Courage
by Bill Doyle
Back Cover:
Soldiers, Spies, and Secrets…
A young lieutenant and his Special Ops team swimming into an Iraqi harbor to disarm a deadly adversary.
A Major League baseball player undercover on a covert mission to assassinate a Nazi scientist.
A young woman determined to help Allied officers escape Nazi-occupied France.
These and other real-life heroes risk it all for their country… Behind Enemy Lines.
My Thoughts:
I didn’t enjoy this book quite so much as the second one, but this one was still a good read. Unlike the second book, this one has stories from multiple eras – from the American Revolution to the Iraq War. I enjoyed getting to read stories of courage from so many different wars.
“Flight of the Wing Walker,” “Out of the Jungle,” and “Dark Waters of Desert Storm” stand out as some of my favorite stories, but every story was an enjoyable read. As I said earlier, I was happy to read a book with stories from multiple eras.
While I do not feel I would need to censor anything for a 12 yo, I would probably discuss the notes below with them. (See content notes) There was some violence, mentions of wounds, death, etc., but none of it was too graphic. With the previously mentioned precautions, I would recommend this to 12+
Content notes: In one of the stories, a girl disguises as a boy, and another story is about a contemplated assassination. There is also a mention of a cyanide pill for suicide.
Behind Enemy Lines:
Under Fire in the Middle East
by Bill Doyle
Back Cover:
Under Fire in the Middle East…
A young corporal braves a ravaging Iraqi inferno to rescue a trapped teammate.
Three stray dogs repay an Army sergeant’s kindness – by saving his life.
Five prisoners board a life raft and gamble on a dangerous voyage to freedom through the vast Persian Gulf.
These and other real-life heroes risk it all for their country… Behind Enemy Lines.
My Thoughts:
Wow! This book was so good! Every story was gripping – I was so on the edge of my seat!
A few of my favorite stories were “Escape from Iraq,” (I always love a good escape story.) “Bent Spear,” “Operation Redwing,” and “Duke’s Dogs.” But all of the stories were seriously so good! And the author’s piece at the beginning was amazing, too!
I can’t say that the writing style particularly stood out as anything amazing, but I was easily drawn in to each of the stories and just could not put this book down.
I do not remember anything that needed censored. There is some violence (It is a war book, after all), but as it was written for kids, none of the violence is graphic. Highly recommended for readers 12+

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